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SSU Received Government Adress

26 March, 2024 - 14:02

SSU Received Government Adress

The rector, staff, and students of the university have received a congratulatory address on Russian Hydrometeorologists’ Day.

Here is its full text.

‘Dear Alexei Chumachenko!

Russian Hydrometeorologists’ Day was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 19.05.2008 HP 812.

This year marks the 190th anniversary of the Federal Agency on Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring. It originates in 1834 when the Normal Magnetic Meteorological Observatory in St. Petersburg was established by the decree of Emperor Nicholas I.

On behalf of the Federal Agency on Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring and on my own behalf, I sincerely congratulate you, your colleagues who are training specialists in hydrometeorology, as well as related fields, and students – future specialists in hydrometeorology – on a professional holiday – Russian Hydrometeorologists’ Day!

I wish you professional success and creative development. Also, I would like to express my gratitude for your work related to the training of hydrometeorological personnel.’

Vladimir Sokolov,

Deputy Head of the Federal Agency of Hydrometeorology and

Environmental Monitoring