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Саратовский государственный университет им. Н.Г. Чернышевского, 1994 г., Прикладная математика
Thesis and academic degrees: 
PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Геометрические образы поведение автоматов, 1999 г.
Research Interests: 
Неархимедовы методы в информатике
Неархимедова динамика и приложения в криптографии
Рецензент журналов
Work experience: 
Assistant, Кафедра теоретических основ информатики, 1997 to 2001
Associate Professor , Кафедра теоретических основ информатики, 2001 to 2008
Заведующий кафедрой, Факультет компьютерных наук и информационных технологий, с 2008 по н.в.
Director, Центр развития предпринимательства, 2005 to 2006
Центральная приёмная комиссия, 2006 to 2008
Other Administrative Positions: 
1994 - graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics (Department of DIscrete Analysis) with Applied Mathematics as his major, qualification - mathematician
1994-1997 - a postgraduate student of 01.01.09 Mathematic Cybernetics at the Department of DIscrete Analysis and later at the Department of Theoretical Framework of Informatics
1999 - defended the candidate's dissertation "Geometric Images of the Behavior of Finite-State Machines" 
1999-2008 - juror at the World Programming Championship
2006-2009 - scientific supervisor of SSU CED
2003 - gained the scholarship of the Governor of the Saratov Region for scientific achievements
2005 - elected as a professor of the Nation's Will Army
2006 - elected as a professor of the Academy of Security, Defense and Public Order Issues
L.B. Typaev has taken part in various grant programs (state contracts and agreements).

Throught his career he has taught the following courses: Computer systems, networks and telecommunication; Programming in a High Level Language; Programming Technologies; Computer networks and telecommunication; Computer networks; Descrete mathematics; Informatics; Information systems; World information resources; Operating systems, environments and shells; New information technologies. The courses were aimed at students of the Faculty of Computer Science and Imformation Technologies, The Faculties of Mathematics nad Mechanics, Sociology, Physics and Biology.биологического факультетов.

В рамках инновационного проекта СГУ Л.Б. Тяпаев разработал ЭУМК “Вычислительные системы, сети и телекоммуникации” (2007-2008 гг.).

Within the innovative project of SSU L.B. Tyapaev has developed electronic educational complex "Computing Systems, Networks and Telecommunication" (2007-2008).


Further Training:


1. Faculty of Further Training at SSU Insitute of Continuing Professional Education, 2011.


2. "Use of Electronic Information and Communication Technologies in SSU Educational Process" at SSU ICPE. 108 h., March 28 - April 27, 2016.


3. "Information Technologies of Automated Control and Account in Work Areas Providing Modernization and Technological development of the Economy" at SSU ICPE. 108 h., February 26 - May 30, 2014.


4.  "Higher Education System in Germany" at Interkulturelle Weiterbildungsgeselleschaft e.V. (Dusseldorf, Germany), 72 h., November 26 - December 7, 2014.


5. "Methods and Technologies of Educational Process Management" at FGBOU VPO Academy of Continuing Professional Education, 72 h., June 13 - June 22, 2012. 

Main Publications: 
  1. 1. Tyapaev, L.B. On the Definition of Finite-State Machines with Functions Determined at an Open Interval //  Problemy i perspektivy pretsizionnoy mekhaniki i upravleniya v mashinostroyenii [Issues and Prospects of Precision Mechanics and Management in Mechanical Engineering]. Materials from the International Conference. Saratov, 1997. pp. 48-49.

2. Tyapaev, L.B. Generation and Analysis of Geometric Images of Deterministic Finite-State Machines //  Teoreticheskie problemy informatiki i ee prilozheniy [Theoretic Issues of Informatics and Its Applications]. Iss.1, Saratov: Kolledzh, 1997. pp. 146-151.

3. Tyapaev, L.B. Recognition of Mathematical Automata Based on the Geometric Model of Behavior. Saratov: deposited at VINITI, № 1327-В98, 1998. 46 p.

4. Tyapaev, L.B. Description of Geometric Images of Certain Classes of Mathematical Automata / Teoreticheskie problemy informatiki i ee prilozheniy [Theoretic Issues of Informatics and Its Applications]. Iss. 2, Saratov: Kolledzh, 1998. pp. 139-148.

5. Tyapaev, L.B. Geometric Model of the Behavior of Automata and Their Undistinguishability //  Mathematics, Mechanics, Mathematical Cybernetics. Collection of research papers. Saratov: SSU Publishing House, 1999. pp. 139-143.

6. Tyapaev, L.B. Geometric Models and Methods of Solving Automata Theory Problems // Teoreticheskie problemy informatiki i ee prilozheniy [Theoretic Issues of Informatics and Its Applications]. Iss. 3, Saratov: Kolledzh, 1999. pp. 131-136.

7. Tyapaev, L.B. Affine Automata Classes and Their Transformations //  Teoreticheskie problemy informatiki i ee prilozheniy [Theoretic Issues of Informatics and Its Applications]. Iss. 4, Saratov: Kolledzh, 2001. pp. 133-135.

8. Tyapaev, L.B. Geometric Models of Automata as a Set of Plane Points with Rational Coordinates // Avtomatizatsiya proektirovaniya diskretnykh sistem (CAD DD’2001) [Design Automation of Descrete Systems (CAD DD’2001)]. Materials from the 4th International Conference, Minck, NAS of Belarus Institute of Technical Cybernetics, 2001. pp. 203-210.

9. Tyapaev, L.B. Geomteric Interpretation  of Automata Problems // Materials from the 13th International Conference "Issues of Theoretical Cybernetics". P. 1,2. Moscow: MSU CAB Publishing House. 2002. pp. 178-179.

10. Tyapaev, L.B. Application of Geometric Approach to Studying of Automata Behavior //  Teoreticheskie problemy informatiki i ee prilozheniy [Theoretic Issues of Informatics and Its Applications]. Iss. 5, Saratov: Kolledzh, 2003. pp. 175-176.

11. Tyapaev, L.B.  Geometrical Model of Automata Behaviour CASYS’03 (Computing A\\icipatory Systems) Abstract Book, Edited by D.M. Dubois, Published by CHAOS, University of Liege, Belgium, 2003, Symposium 3, Session 3.3, p.18.
12. Tyapaev, L.B. Analysis  of Geometric Images of the Behavior of Finite-State Machines // Iskusstevnny intellekt. Intellektualnye i mnogoprotsessornye sistemy [Artificial Intelligence. Intellectual and Multiprocessing Systems]. 2004.  Materials from the  International Scientific  Conference. Vol.2. Taganrog: TRTU Publishing House, 2004. pp. 263-266.
13. Tyapaev, L.B. Solution of Certain Problems of Finite-State Machines BAsed on the Analysis of their Behavior // Izvestiya of Saratov University. Vol.6. Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics. Iss.2., 2006. pp. 121-133.
14. Tyapaev, L.B. On Certain Problems of FGinite-State Machines Defined by Geometric Images // Reports of the Academy of Military Science. №1(25), 2007. pp. 69-80.
15. Tyapaev, L.B., Matov, O.D. Bases of Geometric Images for Dynamic Systems Determined by Certain Automata Classes // Kompiuternye nauki i informatsionnye tekhnologii [Computer Sciences and Information Technologies]. Materials from the Internationsl Conference. Saratov, 2009. pp. 201-204. 
16. Report on the research paper "Dynamic Systems Determined by Automata Geometric Images" under the federal education development program for 2011-2015  as per State Contract of September 7, 2011.
17. Tyapaev, L.B. and others, ed. by. E.G. Elina and E.I. Balakireva. Education Technologies in a Higher Education Institution: Experience of Saratov National Reserach State university. Saratov: SSU Publishing House, 2012. 176 p. ISNB 978-5-292-04157-3.
18. Tyapaev, L.B., Vasilenko, D.V. Descrete Dynamic Systems Determined by Automata Geometric Images // Intellektualnye sistemy [Intellectual Systems]. 2013. №17. pp.196-201. ISBN 5-7281-0436-3
19. Tyapaev, L.B., Vasilenko, D.V., Karandashov M.V. Dynamic Systems Determined by Automata Geometric Images // Izvestiya of Saratov University. Vol.6. Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics. 2013. Vol.13. №2-2. pp.73-78.ISSN: 1816-9791.
20. Saliy, V.N., Sagaeva, I.D., Tyapaev, L.B. Discrete Mathematics. Part 1. - Lulu Publishing, 2013.  92 p. ISBN 978- 1-304- 82941-2.
21. Tyapaev, L.B., Karandashov M.V., Sagaeva, I.D. On Ergodicity of Automata Functions on a Set of 2-Adic Integers / Saratov State University. Saratov, 2013. 11 p. Deposited at VINITI on 14.03.2013 №68-В 2013.
22. Tyapaev, L.B. Automata Geometric Images and Dynamic Systems // Diskretnaya matematika i ee prilozheniya [Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications]. Materials from the 10th International Seminar. Ed. by O.M. Kasim-Zade. Moscow: Publishing House of MSU Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, 2010. pp. 510-513.
23. Tyapaev, L.B., Gurevich E.V.  Analysis of Geometric Images of Asynchronous Automata / Problemy teoreticheskoy kibernetiki [Issues of Theoretical Cybernetics]. Materials from the 16th International Conference, June 20-25, 2011. Nizhniy Novgorod: NNSU Publishing House, 2011. pp. 133-136.
24. Tyapaev, L.B. , Vasilenko D.V. Discrete Dynamic Systems Determined by Automata Geometric Images / Intellektualnye sistemy i kompiuternye nauki [Intelelctual Systems and Computer Sciences]. Materials from the 10th International Conference. Ed. by academic V.A. Sadovnichiy, professor V.B. Kudryavtsev, professor A.V.Mikhalyov, December 5-10, 2011. Moscow: Publishing House of MSU Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, 2011. pp. 177-182.
25. Tyapaev, L.B., Vasilenko, D.V., Karandashov, M.V. Product of Dynamic Systems Determined by Automata // Kompiuternye nauki i informatsuonnye tekhnologii [Computer Sciences and Information Technologies]. Materials from the International Scientific Conference, July 1-4, 2012. Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2012. pp. 320-323. 
26. Tyapaev, L.B., Adamovich, K.Y., Komarov, E.V., Vakhlaeva, K.P., Savin, A.N. Use of National Instruments Technologies for Studying and Developing Microprocessing Devices on Atmel AVR Microcontrollers // Inzhenernye i nauchnye prilozheniya na baze tekhnologiy  National Instruments - 2012 [Engineering and Scientific Applications Based on National Instruments - 2012]. Collection of research papers from the 11th International Research-to-Practice Conference, December 6-7, 2012. Moscow: DMK Press, 2012. pp. 232-235.
27. Tyapaev, L.B. Transitive Families of Automata Mappings // Diskretnye modeli v teorii upravlyaushchikh sistem [Dicrete Models in Control Systems Theory]. The 9th International Conference, Moscow and Moscow region, May 20-22, 2015. Editors-in-Chief V.B. Kudryavtsev, D.S. Romanov and B.R. Danilov. Moscow: MAKS Press, 2-15. pp. 244-247.
28. Tyapaev, L.B. Measure-Preserving and Ergodic Asynchronous Automata Mappings // Materials from the 12th International Seminar "Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications@ dedicated to O.B. Lupanov (Moscow, MSU, June 20-25, 2016) / Ed. by O.M. KAsim-Zade. Moscow: Publishing House of MSU Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, 2016. pp. 398-400.
29. Tyapaev L.B. Transitive Families and Measure-Preserving an N-Unit Delay Mappings // Kompiuternye nauki i informatsuonnye tekhnologii [Computer Sciences and Information Technologies]. Materials from the International Scientific Conference. Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2016. pp. 425-429.

Учебные издания

  1. Андреева Н.Л., Миронов С.В., Сагаева И.Д., Тяпаев Л.Б., Федорова А.Г., Семенова Т.В., Иванов А.С., Папшев С.В., Емельянова О.В. Олимпиадные задачи по программированию 2000/2001, Саратов: Изд-во Сарат. ун-та, 2001, 52 с.
  2. Пятый четвертьфинал командного чемпионата мира по программированию ACM 2002/2003. Южный-Поволжский регион России/ Под ред. А.Г. Федоровой, Саратов: Надежда, 2002, 60 с.
  3. Шестой четвертьфинал командного чемпионата мира по программированию ACM 2003/2004. Южный-Поволжский регион России/ Под ред. А.Г. Федоровой, Саратов: Изд-во Сарат. ун-та, 2003, 88 с.
  4. Сагаева И.Д., Семенова Т.В.,Тяпаев Л.Б., Федорова А.Г., Шевырев С.П. Информатика: пособие для поступающих в Саратовский государственный университет, Саратов: Изд-во Сарат. ун-та, 2001, 48 с.
  5. Сагаева И.Д., Семенова Т.В.,Тяпаев Л.Б., Федорова А.Г., Шевырев С.П. Информатика: пособие для поступающих в Саратовский государственный университет, 2–е изд., доп. и перераб., Саратов: Изд-во Сарат. ун-та, 2002, 72 с.
  6. Сагаева И.Д., Семенова Т.В.,Тяпаев Л.Б., Федорова А.Г., Шевырев С.П. Информатика 2003: Пособие для поступающих в Саратовский государственный университет, 3–е изд., доп. и перераб., Саратов: Изд-во Сарат. ун-та, 2003, 96 с.
  7. Сагаева И.Д., Семенова Т.В.,Тяпаев Л.Б., Федорова А.Г., Шевырев С.П. Информатика 2004: Пособие для поступающих в Саратовский государственный университет, 4–е изд., доп. и перераб., Саратов: Изд-во Сарат. ун-та, 2004, 108 с.
  8. Емельянова О.В., Сагаева И.Д., Семенова Т.В., Тяпаев Л.Б., Федорова А.Г. Информатика 2005: Пособие для поступающих в Саратовский государственный университет, 5–е изд., доп. и перераб., Саратов: Изд-во Сарат. ун-та, 2005, 128 с.
  9. Емельянова О.В., Сагаева И.Д., Семенова Т.В., Тяпаев Л.Б., Федорова А.Г. Информатика 2006: Пособие для поступающих в Саратовский государственный университет, 6–е изд., доп. и перераб., Саратов: Изд-во Сарат. ун-та, 2006, 128 с.
  10. Тяпаев Л.Б. Вычислительные системы, сети и телекоммуникации / электронный УМК, СГУ, 2008.
  11. Л.Б. Тяпаев, Д.В. Василенко Дискретные динамические системы, определяемые геометрическими образами автоматов// Материалы Х Международной конференции «Интеллектуальные системы и компьютерные науки». Под редакцией академика Садовничего В.А., проф. Кудрявцева В.Б., проф. Михалева А.В. – Изд-во Механико-математического факультета МГУ, 2011. – С. 177-182.
  12. Л.Б. Тяпаев, Д.В. Василенко, М.В. Карандашов Произведение динамических систем, определяемых конечными автоматами // Материалы Международной научной конференции «Компьютерные науки и информационные технологии» - Саратов: Издат. центр «Наука», 2012. – С. 320-323.


The 16th International Conference on Issues of Theoretical Cybernetics, Nizny Novgorod, 2011 г.
The 10th International Conference on Intellectual Systems and Computer Sciences , Moscow, 2011 г.
International Scientific Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, Saratov, 2012 г.
The 11th International Research-to-Practice Conference on Engineering and Scientific Applications Based on National Instruments -2012 Technologies, Moscow, 2012 г.
International Workshop on p-Adic Methods for Modelling of Complex Systems, Bielefeld, Germany, 2013 г.
International Scientific Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, Saratov, 2014 г.
The 9th International Conference "Discrete Models in the Theory of Control Systems", Moscow, 2015 г.
International Conference on p-adic Mathematical Physics and its Applications (p-ADICS.2015), Belgrade, Serbia, 2015 г.
International Scientific Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, Saratov, 2016 г.
International Conference on New Trends in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics, Moscow, 2016 г.
International Conference "Intellectual Systems and Computer Sciences", Moscow, 2016 г.
International Seminar on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications dedicted to O.B. Lupanov, Moscow, 2016 г.
Grants anf scientific projects: 
  1. 1. Research paper under the priority program of science and technology development in the Russian Federation "Development and Application of Mathematical Models nad Methods of Problem Solving for Discrete Mathematicsa nad Informatics with the Use of Information and Telecommunictaion Technologies" (2016-2021), L.B. Tyapaev (scientific supervisor). 2. Research paper "Dynamic Systems Determined by Automata Geometric Images" under the federal program of education development of 2011-2015 as per State Contratc of September 7, 2011 №07.Р20.11.0029 "Training and Re-Training of Subject Matter Specialists on the Base of IT Eductaion and Development Centres in South and North Caucasian federal Districts", L.B. Tyapaev (scientific supervisor).
Additional information: 


Network programming

Introduction to a professional field
Theoretical informatics
Contemporary issues of informatics and computing hardware
Computing systems, networks and communications
Discrete mathematics


230101 Computing Machines, Complexes, Systems and Networks - 14 years
230100.62  Informatics and Computing Hardware - 5 years
230100.68 Informatics and Computing Hardware - 2 years
230700 Applied Informatics - 14 years
010400  Applied  Mathematics and Informatics - 6 years


19 years