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SSU to Comment on 2022 Main Events

8 January, 2023 - 11:00

SSU to Comment on 2022 Main Events

Дмитрий Ковшов
Архив Управления медиакоммуникаций

The outgoing year opened the Decade of Science and Technology. For Saratov University, it has become a new stage in the development of key areas that meet the requirements of the region and the country.

During the year, the university staff has been implementing strategic projects of the Priority 2030 university support programme: the Technologies, the ICT-Electronics, the Chemistry and New Materials, the Digital University, and the Teachers in the Educational Paradigm.

The results of the first year of the programme were successfully presented by the Rector of the university Aleksei Chumachenko to the expert commission of the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education November 27. In early December, the rector presented the results at a meeting of the Council for Science and Innovation under the Governor of Saratov Region.

The university scientists have been doing the promising research for a year: a technique and device for non-invasive restoration of ureteral urodynamics in patients with pyelonephritis was developed; a unique drug delivery system was developed that has selectivity and high bioavailability; the restorative properties of sleep were investigated and breakthrough technologies for night therapy of brain diseases were introduced; a new cytometer was developed for research of various processes in the blood; new models of two-dimensional hybrid materials have been proposed for the creation of high-precision UV radiation detectors for long-term operation; a method for producing chitosan asparaginate nanoparticles has been developed. This is only part of the research that is conducted at SSU.

The university has established a system of continuous teacher training. There are a number of projects aimed at increasing motivation for the teaching profession. This year, SSU launched the work of the Consilium Young Teachers Support Centre, the first graduation of the Pedagogical Classroom took place, and a new cohort of listeners was enrolled. Almost all graduates of the 2022 Pedagogical Classroom have entered the university and are preparing to become teachers. For the first time, a summer pedagogical networking for young teachers was held. All this work will be continued in the coming year, which is symbolically declared the Year of the Teacher and Mentor.

The most important task is solved by the Institute of Continuing Professional Education, where students receive additional qualifications, and teachers and representatives of other organisations take advanced training and professional re-training courses.

The university offers vacancies to young talented scientists, encouraging them to stay in Saratov Region and build their careers here. SSU trains not only scientists and teachers, but also for many years has been producing engineering personnel for enterprises in the region. In 2022, the university began to create a network of university-wide fab labs with a general direction entitled The Digital Integrative Bioengineering Systems, so that students could acquire relevant engineering knowledge not only in basic, but also in additional courses.

Despite the challenges of the time, restrictions and sanctions, Saratov University has maintained high publication rates.

In the outgoing year, 116 projects of university scientists have received financial support, including 55 projects of Russian Science Foundation, 8 grants of the President of the Russian Federation for young candidates and doctors of sciences, 16 scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation to young scientists and postgraduates engaged in promising research and development in priority areas of modernisation of the Russian economy. It is important to note that, this year, the university has reached its maximum in terms of the number of projects and the amount of funding for RSF grants, and in terms of the number of scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation, the university ranks 3rd among all universities in the country. 48% of the projects carried out this year at SSU are projects led by young scientists.

In 2022, the SSU Boiling Point Centre won a grant competition to develop the Business Boiling Point. It will be equipped with modern presentation and office equipment, comfortable chairs for events, meetings with investors, and the expert community.

Due to the university conditions, we will be able to prepare a new generation of researchers and developers who successfully implement their ideas. According to the results of the first stage of the Student Start-Up competition, four Saratov University developments were included into the list of winners. Employees and graduate students of the Institute of Physics, SSU, having won grants, received one million rubles to implement each project. Another start-up project entered the list of winners of the second stage of the competition.

At the Territory of Youth Innovations exhibition, young scientists presented their developments made under the Start-Up as a Graduation Project federal project. Students and a researcher of the university became the finalists of the 2022 Start-Up Tour organised by Skolkovo Foundation.

Thanks to the students, many bright events take place at SSU. This year, they have held a competition for the best student brigade, hosted participants from all over the country at the VII PRO100 All-Russian Student Forum, fought for the title of the Student of the Year, held the first youth festival entitled the Chernyshevsky Fest. Our students help a lot to residents of Donetsk and Luhansk regions who have arrived to Saratov and Saratov Region. University volunteers help students to get used to a new educational environment, to adapt to Russian programmes and textbooks.

Professors, students, and postgraduates have repeatedly won prestigious awards at regional and All-Russian events over the year.

More detailed information about the university achievements in 2022 will be presented in the rector's annual report.

The staff of the Office of Media Communications congratulates all students and the staff of the university on New Year! We are confident that the coordinated work of the huge university team in 2023 will not only be continued, but will also achieve a lot.

And we, journalists, photojournalists, editors, and proof-readers, will be very happy to talk about our wonderful and beloved university and about each of you, dear friends!