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Metropolitan of Saratov and Volsk Ignatii Congratulates SSU Staff on Christmas

6 January, 2022 - 22:00

Metropolitan of Saratov and Volsk Ignatii Congratulates SSU Staff on Christmas


Metropolitan Ignatii of Saratov and Volsk congratulates the students, the staff, and the administration of Saratov University on Christmas and New Year.

‘Now the Infant Christ comes to earth, Whom countless armies of Angels serve tremblingly and reverently. On this bright night and holy Christmas days, I wish you a good cordial celebration with the whole Church bringing gifts to the Divine Infant.

May our hearty tenderness not leave us at this blessed time, may we not be deprived of good concern, knowing how many needy and longing for comfort we must bring the joy of the Nativity of Christ. Let us add ourselves, in the words of St. Basil the Great, “to those who joyfully received the Lord from Heaven”. May the Lord save you for many good years and grant you strength of mental and physical strength!’ it was written in the message of the Metropolitan.