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Team Projects Defended by CDO-Managers in Education

16 December, 2019 - 13:30

Team Projects Defended by CDO-Managers in Education

Мария Ерохина
Светлана Киселева
Виктория Викторова

There finished the course for managers on education titled the Data Management – Chief Data Officer Management. The project was supported by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) and Moscow University 20.35. Its goal was to train personnel for the Digital Economy national project. This year the CDO Project and Practice Centres have been opened in 11 universities, but only Saratov University has implemented the course targeted at education.

From 15 November to 15 December 240 managers in education attended the course. They came from the Saratov, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Chelyabinsk, and Belgorod Regions, the Chechen Republic, and Stavropol Krai.

The curriculum objective was to advance the CDO manager skills, provide the knowledge on technology and state management development trends, improve the skills to manage employees and organisations, teach how to set goals depending on the sphere, and enhance basic technology skills, including digital footprint ones.

The region manager teams had developed more than 30 CDO-manager projects using the best international, federal, and regional examples.

All the projects were successfully defended, and after that the project graduates were given the certificates. The ceremony was conducted by SSU Rector Aleksei N. Chumachenko and Head of Priority Projects and Programmes Elena G. Yelina.

The course novelty content and its high level of the organisation were evaluated by the project members.

‘We express our gratitude to the whole professor team for their interesting and useful lectures and their assistance! Nobody from the group has never attended any course like that!’ shared her impressions Deputy Principal of School of the village of Tsaryovshchina, the Baltai District, the Saratov Region Natalia A. Martyusheva.

A teacher of primary school from School №64 Svetlana V. Suchkova marked that the course was extremely useful for its participants and due to it they found the ways to improve their work and became inspired.

Principal of School №3 from Balakovo Lyudmila A. Zenkevich thanked the project moderators as the school staff members who had attended the course not only to acquire new knowledge but had an opportunity to share the experience with the colleagues.

‘The SSU CDO-manager course was very useful for me. It is necessary to teach pedagogues, parents, and pupils with new technologies. We need to find partners to promote and implement new projects! The projects and their defence were interesting. We could find new ideas, information, sources, and approaches in them. We should use the colleague experiencein managing. I thank you for all the new knowledge that we gained here,’ concluded Deputy School №30, Engels Tatyana N. Zizevskaya.