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Welcome to All-Russia Geographical Dictation in University

25 October, 2019 - 06:00

Welcome to All-Russia Geographical Dictation in University

Александра Головачёва
Виктория Викторова

Anyone is invited to Saratov University to participate in the Geographical Dictation Annual International Educational Project. The event will be organised on 27 October at 11 a.m. in the Big Physics Hall, Bldg. III. You need your passport to register.

The project was initiated by the Russian Geographical Society. This year it has been held for the fifth time, and every year more and more people take part in it. According to the moderators, due to the dictation people should become more interested to study their national geography. Another goal is to attract the attention to Russia and spread the correct information about the country abroad.

You can find all the information about the event here or call 8(8452)51-54-49.