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SSU receives 111 mln rubles grant

22 August, 2007 - 11:30

SSU receives 111 mln rubles grant

Наталия Гливенко

SSU implements Federal Target Program “Russian Federation nanoindustry infrastructure development in 2008-2010”.

Saratov State University gets 111.5 mln rubles to spend on “Nanotechnology research center process equipment” project in 2009. SSU Vice-rector for science and research D.A. Usanov says the grant is part of innovation project funding. It gives Saratov State University a leading position in science and technology development and brings it to the world top universities level.

The grant allows to buy new equipment for nanotechnological development. Saratov State University has been researching nanotechnologies for several decades. Faculty of Nano- and Biomedical technologies was founded several years ago. That means the University has a strong scientific school in this area.

Nanotechnology is a new area and not everyone knows what it means. The term was coined in 1974 to describe a process of creating new materials and objects using manipulations on atomic level. Up to now, humankind has skillfully copied materials and mechanisms created by nature. Today people can create a new material completely unknown to nature. There is no complete definition of nanotechnologies but it involves working with quantities at nano-scale or 0,000000001m. These tiny particles are hundred times smaller than visual light wave length and could be compared to atom size. Today the university develops nanotechnological methods of creating molecular-size active elements (transistors and diodes) and building multilayered three-dimensional schemes.